Being a New Mom!!

My Little Girl
My Little Girl

     The moment those two pink lines appeared on the pregnancy test, I knew my life was bound to change. I always loved the idea of being a mum & seeing it turn into reality was totally breath taking. My whole pregnancy was uneventful & healthy and I still cherish every second of it.

       As soon as my little girl entered our lives, it changed us as humans at so many levels. We never knew that we had the energy to live in increment of two hours with a strict feeding schedule & loads of poop cleaning and nappy changing. We never knew, we had the capability to stay up 36 hours straight & yet function normally ( well not so normal ;) ). There were chaotic days and nights but the love I felt gushing in my veins was unbeatable.

    The first month was hard and my postpartum body took a decent amount of time to adjust to this new " Mom Life". It wasn't easy and as a matter of fact was dreadful many a times. The uncombed hair, clothes smelling of spit ups, huge under eye bags, swollen tummy ,this was the new Me & I did not like this "New Me". However as time passed and things settled in, I started getting a hang of the whole mommy thing & things turned around.

    No matter how tough it looks in the beginning, we should always remember that there is no guide to be a "Mom" & one should do everything per their capability & convenience. You are the best mom for you kid. Always remember it!!