Change is the only constant!!

Change is the only constant!!

Change is the only constant !!

Its been over two months since I am back with my family but still there are days when just thinking about the time while I was away gives me jitters.

We plan a lot but sometimes things just take their own course, very much like how my one month planned trip to India to visit my parents turned into a never ending nightmare , thanks to travel restrictions due to Corona Virus .

My dad was diagnosed with Cancer in February 2020 and I travelled to India from US to see him and be there for my family back home. Since Corona Virus was declared a pandemic I decided to travel alone . It was a one month planned trip.

Just the thought of being without my little girl for a month was challenging at that time but when it changed to an endless wait, my world crumbled into pieces. My Heart broke and my soul hurt. Seeing her on video calls everyday was both solace and pain. Pain because I was seeing her grow up every day away from me. Its the worst nightmare for any mother.

Seeing my husband struggle between work and taking care of our daughter in the best possible way made me feel sadder. He was supposed to do it only for a month till I was away but instead he was thrusted with the responsibility of being a Single Parent for many more months with a no end date..

I was dealing with my dad’s cancer treatment and being away from my daughter and husband . The only thing I used to say to myself was “This too shall pass” . My aunt said this to me at that time.

It really helped me to get through my day.

Another thing that helped me was what my husband said to me :“Consider each passing day as a day closer to our reunion rather than considering it as a day away”.

Also I told myself to believe that I will be back home, no matter what the situation suggested at that time.

I prayed every single day and it helped me deal with my anxiety. I believed that God will figure out a way and help us..

And all of it actually worked. Things changed in a matter of 3 days when I least expected it and within a week I was travelling back.

Finally I returned home after 5 months!! And I can’t believe its already been over 2 months since I am back..

Always trust in Good and have faith in God.. Miracles do happen and I can very happily say that I witnessed one.

Am still healing but I am stronger than ever !!

Bad times exist but they never last forever, just hang in there if you are going through one!

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Change is the only constant !! Its been over two months since I am back with my family but still there are days when just thinking about the time while I was away gives me jitters. . We plan a lot but sometimes things just take their own course, very much like how my one month planned trip to India to visit my parents turned into a never ending nightmare , thanks to travel restrictions due to CoronaVirus . Just the thought of being without my little girl for a month was challenging at that time but when it changed to an endless wait, my world crumbled into peices. My Heart broke and my soul hurt. Seeing her on video calls everyday was both solace and pain. Pain because I was seeing her grow up every day away from me. Its the worst nightmare for any mother. . Seeing my husband struggle between work and taking care of our daughter in the best possible way made me feel sadder. He was supposed to do it only for a month till I was away but instead he was thrusted with the responsibility of being a Single Parent for many more months with a no end date.. . I was dealing with my dad’s cancer treatment and being away from my daughter and husband . The only thing I used to say to myself was “This too shall pass” . My aunt said this to me at that time. It really helped me to get through my day. Another thing that helped me was what my husband said to me :“Consider each passing day as a day closer to our reunion rather than considering it as a day away”. Also I told myself to believe that I will be back home, no matter what the situation suggested at that time. I prayed every single day..and it helped me deal with my anxiety.I believed that God will figure out a way and help us.. . And all of it actually worked. Things changed in a matter of 3 days when I least expected it and within a week I was travelling back. Finally I returned home after 5 months!! And I can’t believe its already been over 2 months since I am back.. Always trust in Good and have faith in God.. Miracles do happen and I can very happily say that I witnessed one. Am still healing but I am stronger than ever !! Bad times exist but they never last forever, just hang in there if you are going through one!

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