Solid food for Babies : When & How?

Starting solid foods for kids is one of the big milestones for both babies & parents. Its the first step towards toddler hood & growing up.

What is the right age to start solid food?

Many doctors suggest to start solids somewhere between 4-6 months, but I personally started solid food only after my daughter completed 6 months. She was exclusively breastfed till then. The reason not to start early is because their tiny digestive system is still developing and getting ready for solids and babies get all essential nutrients from breast milk till then.

What are the preferred kind of first foods to start with?

Anything from fruits to veggies to grains can be given as first food. Its totally on parents to decide what to start with.

I started with grains (Lentil soup) and offered a small quantity as small as 3-4 spoonful for first few days. I liked the idea of introducing one type of food to my bub and continuing it for next three days. Its best for allergy testing as well and that is why its important to start with very less quantity. Always look for signs of allergies while offering nuts, animal milk, egg, etc.

Lentil Soup

The next food item I offered was mashed banana which was a big hit. I started off with 1/4th banana mashed with a fork to keep a little grainy texture so that my baby doesn't get used to pureed food.

In fruits , I offered mashed banana, steamed apple, steamed pear, etc. I never blended it rather mashed it with a fork to keep the consistency a little grainy so that baby gets used to chewing. ( Yes babies have very strong gums and they can chew soft food without teeth as well)

Steamed Apple ( Please note the consistency)

I introduced veggies like bottle gourd, pumpkin, snake gourd, carrot first by simply pressure cooking and later by mixing the veggies with very well cooked rice & lentil.

Porridge made with Cracked wheat, lentil & carrot

After a month of trying all these, I started with different types of cereals like oats, cracked wheat, cornflakes, semolina , etc. There is no set recipe but go by our child's liking and trust your instinct. My bub loved apple cooked with oats, Banana with crumbled cornflakes, Cracked wheat porridge with lenti;, semolina porridge, etc.

Gradually transition to family food without salt and sugar by 9 months of age.

Semolina Porridge cooked with raisins and ghee(clarified butter)

Can I offer salt & sugar to my baby?

This is a very commonly asked question. Since babies dont really know the taste of salt or sugar, it really doesn't make a difference to them. Its always best to start with natural sweeteners only like fruit, raisins, etc.

Salt and sugar should be avoided for babies as excessive consumption is harmful and can cause problems such as impaired kidney function, tooth decay, decreased immunity, etc.Its best to avoid it till an year of age.

Can calorie rich food be offered to baby?

For sure a high calorie diet is good for babies as it helps with nutrition and weight gain. Obviously excess of any thing is not good.But yes baby food can be made in butter and clarified butter (ghee) to increase its richness.Milk and Milk cream can also be used in controlled amount for making porridge.

How many meals can be offered to baby?

Always start with a few spoons of food and then gradually increase the potion. Always follow your baby's lead in understanding the quantity. In the next month increase the number of meals to 2 and then eventually 3. Never ever rush to feed meals by force to your bub.

Are meals a substitute for breastfeed for kids below an year of age?

No meals aren't a substitute for breastfeed or formula feed. They are an addition. But yes if you feel your baby has a full tummy , never force feed. Breastfeeding on demand is the best way to go.

I personally never offered processed food to my bub and always home cooked all the meals. Its okay to feed them processed food while travelling or on vacation, but if you look really hard, there is always a healthy alternative. I followed the first food guide by My Little Moppet and it was awesome.

Also I loved the preservative free food options by Slurrp Farm .

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