How do you know your toddler is ready for play/pre school?

T super excited for school :)

As our kids turn two the contemplation about sending them to play/pre school starts. I know due to Covid 19 we don't know when our kids will go back to school but I still thought of writing this assuming things will get better in future coz my friends Hope is a big thing and we can't let go of it.
Well its a very personal choice and totally depends on your parenting style.There is no good or bad here.
Here is how and when I started sending T to play school /pre school and how it benefited her:
✨T started to go to daycare when she was 15 months old.The first daycare she went to did not turn out per our expectations so after 2 months we changed and she started going to Klay Prep Schools in Noida.
✨At Klay Prep Schools  she adjusted within a month and we could see how much she enjoyed her time there doing different age appropriate activities and her motors and verbal skills were getting better. Thats when we actually felt how important the playschools are for kids.For us we started her daycare and her play school part got covered in it.
✨At her daycare she got a chance to interact with other kids and her teachers and became more independent.She started to take interest in eating on her own.
✨After almost an year of her going to Klay we moved to US and since I was staying home so we decided to keep her home for first few months so that I could get to spend more time with her.For sure we had a fun time but I felt a need to start sending her to pre school so she interacts with kids her age and also gets to do some fun activities.
✨After a gap of almost 5 months, we got her enrolled in a pre school and she was super happy and excited right from the first day.She needed no settling time at all and looks forward to go to school.
✨Pre Schools are good for early development of kids age 3 and above and have a positive impact on their overall development.

I am not very good at doing different kind of activities with T on a regular basis.We do indulge in activities and play but still its not like regular for a designated amount of time, so sending her to preschool works for us.